Category: Utilitarian

  • HAVE A STAUT 2025!

    HAVE A STAUT 2025!

    The entire STAUT team wishes you an inspiring, healthy and creative year full of fun projects!

  • Visiting Huguet

    Visiting Huguet

    STAUT visited tile manufacturer Huguet in Campos, Mallorca. This small family-run business produces hand-crafted cement tiles that are custom-made for each project. Huguet is internationally renowned for its unique hydraulic tiles, which are still produced using traditional methods. This process, which dates back to the 19th century, involves pressing cement, marble powder and natural pigments…

  • Welcome Jordy

    Welcome Jordy

    Jordy is studying architectural drawing in Heusden-Zolder. As part of his studies, he has chosen to do his internship at STAUT architects. Besides architectural drawing, he also has several years of experience in construction.

  • Awarded refurbishment of school building

    Awarded refurbishment of school building

    Besides SBSO Zonnebos, GO! Flanders has also decided to award GO! BSBO Klim Op Lokeren to us. The project comprises mainly internal renovations in several phases. The aim is to combine smaller classrooms for instruction with multifunctional open teaching spaces for larger class groups.

  • Granted renovation of pavilions

    Granted renovation of pavilions

    GO! Flanders has decided to award the renovation project for SBSO Zonnebos in ‘s Gravenwezel to us. The project includes the renovation of four pavilions. We are greatly looking forward to this collaboration!

  • STAUT on ArchDaily

    STAUT on ArchDaily

    ArchDaily has included STAUT-Perifer’s Jan Frans Willem kindergarten and music academy on their platform. We are extremely proud that the project was selected. Link:

  • Projects tour

    Projects tour

    STAUT on projects tour. The whole team visited ongoing construction sites and projects that were completed several years ago. It was an instructive day and a pleasant reunion of satisfied builders.



    STAUT participates in WELL Building Standard workshop. WELL is a building performance standard aimed at improving the health and well-being of the people who live and work in those buildings. Developed by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), it takes a holistic approach to optimise the impact of buildings on the health of their occupants.

  • Article ‘Architectura’

    Article ‘Architectura’

    Publication office design Amadys:

  • Formwork of the platform ready

    Formwork of the platform ready

    Contractor Brebuild has finished the complex formwork for the play platform in the school Omnimundo. First day the concrete will be poured. The concrete structure will remain visible. We look forward to seeing the final result in 28 days. The final surface of the playground will increase by almost 30%.