STAUT architecten bv
Contact address:
Ankerrui 20 / 6
B-2000 Antwerpen
E info@staut.net
T 0032(0)3 808 41 40
company number BE 0844.491.106
registered with the Orde van Architecten Provinciale Raad Antwerpen
(Rucaplein 104, 2610 Wilrijk)
link to professional duties regulations: https://www.architect.be/nl/juridisch/wetteksten-aanbevelingen/
NAV-member, member Buildwise
professional liability insurance: Protect / Euromaf / HDI
eSTAUT arquitectura SLP
Contact address:
Carrer Nou 30
07630 Campos, Illes Balears, Mallorca
E info@estaut.net
T +34 601 90 06 46