

CLIENTGands nv
FUNCTIONStacked living/park villa/housing/care flats/underground parking
AREAAbove ground: 9294 m2
Underground: 1932 m2
TEAMFilip Jacobs
Gert Janssens
Stéphanie Gielen
PHASECompetition (closed architectural competition)

The ‘size’ of the neighborhood is largely determined by the grain of ‘the house’ in Boechout, alternating with multi-family homes. The typologies of the buildings have one or two floors, supplemented with a sloping roof. The proposed program assumes considerable densification. Private homes, multi-family homes, care flats and a park villa are being designed. The design team focuses on the size of the individual home.

The proposal starts from the intermediate scale. It seeks a balance between the RUP and an ambitious architectural project. It also seeks the best possible embedding in Boechout’s village centre. The urban design initiates a public domain at the service of residential quality. This assumes a residence nestled in a park environment. The residence itself is assumed to be a ‘yard’.

By shifting the different living volumes, a diverse palette of public places is created that are connected together like a string of pearls. A sequence of public space is created: a ‘cour d’honneur’ near the Molenlei, a central neighborhood square where the street party can take place and a ‘belvedere’ where people can relax in the evening.